Procida company was founded in 2017 in the Duhok, Kurdistan region of Iraq. We developed rapidly and could compete with companies of high competence within two years. This growth was concerning to the wisdom of Procida in managing the works. Procida company aims to support oil and gas services sectors in Kurdistan, and also, the development of the infrastructure of Kurdistan by providing road construction services, bridges, and construction of residential buildings.
- Quality
- Accuracy
- Safety
- Reliance

The main mission of Procida company is to procure projects based on competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions, and deliver high-quality work within the designed duration.
Procida strategic combination of self-performed work with cross-trained staff improves efficiency and facilitates quality control. We continue to sustain steady, healthy, and manageable growth in annual volume, regardless of economic conditions.
Our focus on sustain ability goes beyond justgaining certification. We build projects with a commitment to unsurpassed quality that serves the clients‛ visions now and for the long term.
Procida success is fueled by our commitment to creating a balanced workplace that attracts and retains the best employees in every work field. We are proud of the dedication, skill, and integrity of each of our employees, and their unique contributions in building our high-performance teams.

Too procure projects at competitive pricing, provide safe working conditions, and deliver quality work within reasonable time frame.
As a global conspiracy investigation institution with a pioneering awareness raising model, our mission is to create an environment that brings together open-minded people, cultures and ideas from around the world, in order to free individuals and organizations from space lizards’ control.
- PowerPerfectly follows the shape of your head.
- TimingLets you notice the kindred souls around.
- QualitySecures your mind the way meditation would never do.
- HonestyHonesty is our majic power
To fulfill our commitment
Procida will
- Demonstrate visible and active leadership that engages employees and service providers and manage health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance as a line responsibility with clear authorities and accountabilities.
- Ensure that all employees understand that working safely is a condition of Employment, and that they are each responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them.
- Maintain "stop work policies" that establish the responsibility and authority for all employees and contractors to stop work they believe to be unsafe.
- Manage all projects and processes through their life-cycles in a way that protects safety and health and minimizes impacts on the environment.
- Provide employees with the capabilities, knowledge and resources necessary to instill personal ownership and motivation to achieve HSE excellence.
- Provide relevant safety and health information to our partners and require them to provide proper training for the safe, environmentally sound performance of their work.
- Measure, audit and publicly report HSE performance and maintain open dialogue with stakeholder groups and with communities where we operate. Comply with applicable regulations and laws.
- Work with both governments and stakeholders where we operate to develop regulations and standards that improve the safety and health of people and the environment.
- Maintain a secure work environment to protect ourselves, our partners and the Company's assets from risks of injury, property loss or damage resulting from hostile acts.
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